Between the trees.
It rocked. Lots. Possibly had the best run of the season so far dropping down into an untracked chute filled deep with powder - each turn sending up a curtain of snow that you could turn back into and blast through. Seriously yummy. Visibility was slim to non-existant though - no problem with snowbarding being all about touch and feel though? Hehehe.

Deeeeeep powder!
Everywhere's going to be closed for the next few days I reckon - there's just so much snow falling that they need to make it all safe. Kev and I could feel some of the slabs shifting when we rode a couple of slopes today and we even refused a few lines because it looked really sketchy. Was really stoked, came down a steep section and got the nose of my board caught as I was riding along, it was pitching me forward anyway so I jumped it up and did a front flip down the drop, landed perfectly and started grinning. Sweet =) Got the old cheer from Kev as well which was groovy.
So did a load of work this afternoon. We had a business dinner the other day and got a load of stuff sorted out which rocked. Things looking very nice. All I need now is to find Mrs Narg. I guess that'll happen soon enough in its own time!