Yo people! Staying in
Whitianga on the
Coromandel Peninsula the at the moment and it's absolutely chocking it down. And I mean lots and lots of really heavy, hard rain. In fact the whole place inland is subtropical and looks like a bit of a rainforest. We're on the coast though, and this place looks the spitting image of the town in "Jaws". Real 1950's beach houses. It's tiny - one main drag with shops and lots of beaches. There's a little ferry to jump from rock to rock, too. It's a pretty cool place (apart from feeling a bit nervy going out into the water!) with some fantastic beach breaks in the bays up and down the coast within striking distance. Had a fantastic time getting here:
They had some sort of pool comp on at the place I was staying in Auckland (just there for a night) so entered into it, won it (thanks Kuntesh for all that practice!!) won a bar tab for the evening - WAHEY! and promptly managed to get seriously pissed and pull two girls. Awesome. Found out later that they were in the same dorm room as each other - hehehehe. Somehow managed to get on the bus to Whitianga at 7am the next morning after a couple of hours sleep - ably assisted by Nerofen and Red Bull in equal quantities. So awesome, arrived here via
Cathederal Cove which was incredible. Going to Hot Water Beach tomorrow to get funky in geothermally heated rock pools that you can get to at low tide. Wicked =)
So tomorrow is a bit of bum warming followed by a spot of fishing from the rocks. Met this rather nice German girl here who went for a wander on the beach with earlier. She's making Narg dinner tonight. Pasta on the menu so have even splashed out on a bottle of red - bless.
I better go wash me hands.