Sunday, 11 November 2007

The First Dump

It came yesterday and the night before - big soft flakes falling endlessly from the sky. The valley got blanketed in a soft layer of snow plastering everything from the valley floor up to the highest peaks. Walking around at night with snow creaking underfoot for the first time really kicked home that we're moving powerfully and smoothly into winter.

Tinks and I went down to Sallanches to do some jobs yesterday. Unfortunately the garage was closed to get snow tyres for Ka, but we managed to go shopping to the big supermarket there, Carrefour. Loading the bags into the car with the air full of snow was really amazing. We managed to grab a quick hot chocolate in town as well after a really nice walk around, wandering about in a beautiful old French town in the mountains - very romantic.

I managed to grab some thermals and a pair of snow boots from Quetcha - ready for the next big snow. That looks like it's going to happen tomorrow or so. I'll grab Ka and get the snow tyres fitted so at least Tinks will be safe and sound. I'm just pleased we got Merv sorted out beforehand!

Anyways, the love is in the valley in a big way. As Tinks pointed out, everyone's in a great mood and there are big beaming smiles everywhere.