Katy in the kitchen.

Sarah and Chris waiting gleefully for nosh.
After we had something to eat, there was a general concensus (due to hangovers!) to leave the skiing/snowboarding til the next day. Instead we decided to have a barbeque at the farm where Andy and I live with Chris, Pierro and Mark the Sepo. Chris did sterling work preparing the food and I cooked it on our funky big barbeque.

Our funky bbq.

Andy waiting for food outside the farm (the satellite dish isn't ours!).

Chris putting the food ont he table, Mark in the background photographing ants.

Everyone tucking in happily.

The view from the table, the Mont Blanc massif stretching down the right.
All in all it was a really nice day. Really memorable for the warmth of the friends and general relaxing amusements. We all piled into the house and watched a dvd when Sarah joined us - Bear Grylls survival, my and Andy's current favourite, then nipped down Le Delice for a drink.
I even managed to speak to all the family which was great and got contacted by a few old friends in the valley. Awesome stuff.