For anyone who's thinking about chucking it all in and going to fulfil a lifelong dream - don't delay - get stuck into changing your life. It's the most euphoric feeling. Every emotion runs through your body sending pins and needles of pleasure and happiness through every finger and toe in your body. Every muscle and memory seems to gear towards solidifying the past encouraging you to settle any personal differences - the feeling that this may be the last time to be able to say protracted goodbyes to those who have helped shape your life, the ability to see through any past indiscretions to come together and truly accept who you are. It's the most incredible therapeutic, cathartic feeling. Of course you want all of the goodbyes to seal in the story of the journey so far, but they must be fully sealed without leaving any gaps to lose anything through.
Life's a totally personal experience, no one can ever tell you how you feel or force you to think in a certain way, but everyone has influence over others in their close circle of friends. To be able to clean the dust away from the relationships with your friends and admire them for who they are is wonderful. To be able to hold someone with the greatest respect after knowing them for many years having seen the decisions they have made and the way they have handled themselves when the going got tough - that's a personal quality that I will always admire in those around me, and constantly aspire to.

So take a look at your friends - repeat in your mind why you like to talk to them, why you enjoy spending time with them, why they make you laugh, why they make you think, what you'd miss if they went from your life, but most of all why you respect them. Then sit down and tell them one thing that you thought of. Everyone needs a morale boost sometimes, and if that boost comes from a close friend they might just buy you a drink and argue about whether Roadrunner was better than Tom and Jerry.